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Articles about computational science and data science, neuroscience, and open source solutions. Personal stories are filed under Weekend Stories. Browse all topics here. All posts are CC BY-NC-SA licensed unless otherwise stated. Feel free to share, remix, and adapt the content as long as you give appropriate credit and distribute your contributions under the same license.
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2024 (27 posts)
2024-09-08 | Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro (BCM) rule |
2024-08-12 | Frequency-current (f-I) curves |
2024-06-30 | Izhikevich SNN simulated with NEST |
2024-06-25 | Connection concepts in NEST |
2024-06-16 | Step-by-step NEST single neuron simulation |
2024-04-29 | Izhikevich model |
2024-04-21 | Hodgkin-Huxley model |
2024-04-07 | FitzHugh-Nagumo model |
2024-03-24 | Van der Pol oscillator |
2024-03-16 | PyTorch on Apple Silicon |
2024-03-10 | Rössler attractor |
2024-01-25 | Python’s version logos |
2023 (38 posts)
2023-07-30 | Conditional GANs |
2023-07-30 | Eliminating the middleman: Direct Wasserstein distance computation in WGANs without discriminator |
2023-07-29 | Wasserstein GANs |
2023-07-23 | Wasserstein distance and optimal transport |
2023-07-01 | Bioimage analysis with Napari |
2023-04-25 | New publication on Tauopathy |
2023-03-23 | Loading and saving files in Google Colab |
2023-02-03 | Information entropy |
2023-02-02 | Understanding entropy |
2023-01-29 | Zen and natural sciences |
2023-01-29 | The Zen of Python |
2023-01-29 | The Zen of programming |
2023-01-22 | Problems with large vaults in Obsidian |
2023-01-17 | DEVONthink and privacy |
2023-01-02 | Bio-image registration with Python |
2022 (42 posts)
2022-12-30 | Using VS Code as LaTeX editor |
2022-12-29 | Moving a Mastodon account to another server |
2022-11-28 | Some useful Mastodon links |
2022-11-27 | I’m on Mastodon |
2022-11-18 | How to run PyTorch on the M1 Mac GPU |
2022-11-09 | How to run TensorFlow on the M1 Mac GPU |
2022-11-06 | Setting up Visual Studio Code for Python |
2022-11-01 | Enable code folding in JupyterLab |
2022-10-31 | Virtual environments with venv |
2022-10-31 | Using pip to install Python packages |
2022-10-31 | A minimal Python installation with miniconda |
2022-10-25 | Stable installation of Napari on a M1 Mac |
2022-10-25 | Open Zarr files in Fiji |
2022-10-19 | Zarr – or: How to save NumPy arrays |
2022-10-10 | Putting text sources into the Zettelkasten? |
2022-10-09 | On project notes in the Zettelkasten |
2022-10-08 | The Feynman problem-solving algorithm |
2022-09-23 | Variable Explorer in Jupyter Notebooks |
2022-07-03 | DEVONthink Image Toolbox |
2022-06-26 | Using Obsidian as a Zettelkasten |
2022-06-19 | Using DEVONthink as a Zettelkasten |
2022-03-27 | Using Markdown for note-taking |
2021 (27 posts)
2021-09-18 | On teaching |
2021-09-12 | My website is now completely cookie-free |
2021-09-06 | New Teaching Material: Python Cheat Sheets |
2021-09-05 | New Teaching Material: Statistical data analysis and basic time series analysis with Python |
2021-08-28 | Create fancy text styles with Unicode |
2021-08-25 | New Teaching Material: Fiji short course |
2021-08-18 | Free LaTeX editors |
2021-08-18 | Markdown vs. LaTeX for Scientific Writing |
2021-08-18 | Free Markdown editors |
2021-08-17 | Dealing with future posts in Jekyll |
2021-08-16 | Emojis for Jekyll via Jemoji |
2021-08-15 | strftime Cheat Sheet |
2021-08-12 | Liquid Cheat Sheet |
2021-08-12 | Minimal Mistakes Cheat Sheet |
2021-08-10 | Supported syntax highlighting in Jekyll |
2021-08-10 | How to use LaTeX in Markdown |
2021-08-09 | New Teaching Material: LaTeX Guide |
2021-08-05 | New Teaching Material: Markdown Guide |
2021-07-30 | Feed subscriptions to this website |
2021-07-29 | Running a personal website with Jekyll |
2020 (9 posts)
2020-10-04 | The two-body problem |
2020-10-03 | Runge-Kutta methods for solving ODEs |
2020-08-17 | Earth’s dipolar magnetic field |
2020-06-03 | Restarting my website |
2020-05-09 | German Angst |
2020-04-10 | Posts from 2013 to 2020 moved to the archive |